Publications available from SAWPA

Publications available from SAWPA
The following publications have been published by SAWPA:


~ 1 ~ Guidelines for the Establishment and Approval of a Wood Preservation Facility in SA
Guidelines for the Establishment and Approval of a Wood Preservation Facility in SA

~ 2 ~ Protocol for the Preservative Treatment of Timber Imported to South Africa.
Protocol for the Preservative Treatment of Timber Imported to South Africa.

~ 3 ~ Protocol for the Approval of Industrial Wood Preservatives in South Africa.
Protocol for the Approval of Industrial Wood Preservatives in South Africa.

The protocol described in this document has been prepared to assist wood preservative manufacturers and/or suppliers in the procedures required to provide regulatory authorities with the necessary information and data on which to base their judgment and make an assessment regarding compulsory registration and approval of wood preservative products in South Africa.
The information given is comprehensive and provides guidelines on registration and approval procedures.

~ 4 ~ Protocol for the Required Properties and the Registration of Surface coating Wood Preservatives for use on Cut Ends Treated Timber.
Protocol for the Required Properties and the Registration of Surface coating Wood Preservatives for use on Cut Ends Treated Timber.

~ 5 ~ Wood in my Veins - Memoire by Doug Sayce.
Wood in my Veins - Memoire by Doug Sayce.